He then co-created Wonderfalls with Todd Holland, which ran on Fox in 2004, with only four episodes being aired and the rest premiering on DVD. Next, he created Dead Like Me which ran on Showtime for two seasons from 2003 to 2004, although Fuller left early into the first season. Fuller worked on the DS9 episodes " The Darkness and the Light" and " Empok Nor".įuller wrote the teleplay for the 2002 adaptation of Carrie, based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King. Fuller has called DS9 his favorite spin-off, stating: "There were lots of new and innovative things going on during Deep Space Nine and that's why it's my favorite of the new series'.
#Wonderfalls pink flamingos series#
Fuller is himself a fan of science fiction, and in an interview said that his favorite Star Trek series were the 1960s original, followed by Deep Space Nine, The Next Generation and Voyager. Career Īs a contributing writer, Fuller's work has been featured on several shows, including Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, earning twenty-two episode writing credits for the Star Trek franchise. He later transferred to the USC School of Cinematic Arts, but dropped out and began working as an office temp for the next five years. After graduating from Clarkston High School, Fuller attended Lewis–Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho. Then again, considering that both Bryan Fuller and Tim Minear were involved, maybe it was lucky to have gotten four episodes aired.Fuller was born in Lewiston, Idaho, and raised in Clarkston, Washington. With only four episodes aired out of thirteen, it actually got shafted faster than Firefly.
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#Wonderfalls pink flamingos manual#
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